Saturday, August 3, 2019

Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare :: Romeo and Juliet Essays

Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare Acts 3 scene 1 of the play is a turning point. How important are the events of this scene to the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet At the beginning of the play the audience already know the plot, from the prologue. The prologue describes the two lovers to be, quote: 'star-crossed lovers', luck will influence the events. Their love leads to death, quote: 'death marked love' this tells us that Romeo and Juliet are going to die, but in the first two acts, the actions of the play seem to be positive and encouraging because Romeo and Juliet first sight each other at the Capulet's ball, they fall in love, start to meet up secretly after the ball, get married without telling anyone and start planning their future together. In the space of twenty-four hours all these things have happened. In act 3 scene 1 the power of chance causes two deaths. The death of Mercutio, Romeo's best friend and Tybalt, a close relative of the Capulet's. This was caused because the Montague's gatecrashed the Capulet's ball and Tybalt wanted to teach Romeo a lesson for gate crashing the Capulet's ball. Tybalt didn't intend on killing anyone but he ended up killing Mercutio because Mercutio was defending Romeo's honour. When Romeo had realised that Tybalt had killed Mercutio from wounding him, he went after Tybalt and killed him. After this the audience know that Romeo and Juliet will not be able to be happy because Romeo will be banished from Verona which means he can never come back to Verona and the Capulet's will never let Romeo and Juliet be together because he killed Tybalt a close relative. At the beginning of act 3 scene 1 Benvolio wants to leave because the Capulet's are abroad and the prince said, quote: 'If ever you disturb these streets again, your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace' this is said at the beginning of act 3 scene and is saying that if ever another fight is caused then they all will be banished from

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